I bet that you have noticed that you can raise all of your fingers (alone) except the ring finger. Before we get to the bottom of that, let’s learn more about the finger we pay less attention to in our lives.

From giphy.com

The Ring Finger is originally called digitus annularis. Digitus is a technical name given to the fingers and annularis comes from the Latin “ring”.

Since ancient Rome, this was the finger in which rings should be carried. Antonio Marco Martinez says in antiquitatem.com, “The name of this finger deserves its own article, because it is very much the ancient literature on the Roman rings, and on the fingers and hand in which it must to be carried”. It was thought that the ring finger was the one directly connected from the heart.

This was all before we discovered our circulatory system and how our body works. Modern-day biological science says that all of our fingers have veins that are connected to the heart.

Since then, it is given the name of “The Ring Finger” because of an old pretty practice and habit.

This peculiar finger has a feature that we have seen. Like it says on http://www.sciencemadesimple.co.uk:

“Bend your middle finger and place the center section on a table or hard surface. You will be able to lift your thumb, index, and little finger without moving your middle finger. But it is impossible to lift your ring finger.

The tendons in your fingers are independent from one another apart from the ones in your middle and ring finger. These tendons are connected, so that when your middle finger is folded down you cannot move your ring finger. It feels like your ring finger is stuck!”

As the page’s URL mentions, this is science made easy! All of our fingers have a special role in our body so let’s appreciate each one of them.