As I researched more about social bookmarking, I have collected various information of such said topic. Social bookmarking is the process of saving a specific web page to a social bookmarking platform so you can revisit it later. Social bookmarking sites allow users to access their bookmarks online, at any time, from any device. If you’ve ever come across a valuable article or website that can help improve your skills as a profesional, you probably want to save it and come back when you can dedicate more time to it. With social bookmarking, you can save those articles or resources you want to revisit in one central location. These bookmarks are useful for students because they can add, annotate, and share bookmarked web pages with other fellow classmates.

Here is a neat explanation of “What is Social Bookmarking?” and how it can help improve your blog.

As discussed in class about the several types of websites that are tools to bookmark, Diigo was one that we talked about. ” Diigo is a multi – tool for personal knowledge management dramatically improve your workflow and productivity easy and intuitive, yet versatile and powerful. Diigo is here to streamline the information workflow and dramatically improve your productivity.”

This website can improve:

  • Read more effectively with annotation tools
  • Build your personal library in the cloud
  • Say goodbye to broken links and lost treasures
  • Provide feedback and catch attention with annotation or screenshots 
  • Organize your information as little or as much as you want
  • Share information as much or as little as you want 
  • Enable better collaboration on information for any group

I created a personal account where I saved twelve bookmarks in total. Six pertaining to my project of investigation and six of personal interests. Each of the bookmarks have three tags: INF 103 SEC3 and the personal tag I added pertaining to the topic. These bookmarks will be enlisted below:

As for my project, my group and I chose the topic of 3D Printing. The process of 3D printing encompasses many forms of technology and materials used in almost all industries. Now a days it has become a great advancement in todays society. It has changed the way people can present objects and improves a better work lifestyle. In the photo below, I have bookmarked web sites that handles everything from online 3D printing services to consumer and professional printers.

In the photo below, I bookmarked six of my favorite websites on skincare products. They all vary in prices and are my absolute favorites to use. Having a skincare routine can improve your skin, will provide a youthful glow, visible results and one feels more confident.

This experience working with Diigo was enlightening. I have learned an easier way to bookmark important sites without having to loose them. The greatest part of all is having the ability to characterize my websites on my tags. In the link below, you will be able to see my public library where I will be updating all the sites I bookmark through there.