Hey there! Alright, now we’re close to finishing up the semester and the posts coming in for this account, but don’t worry, I’ll make these last posts worth it! Alright so.. I few posts back I gave a few comments and details over Rainbow Six Siege, specifically the current season called Void Edge, talking about the new operators and the map rework of Oregon. Now.. this isn’t exactly a full info list due to these only being leaks for the next season, not exactly all confirmed so pardon if I make some mistakes in explanation or these changes don’t come.

While I spoke that most of the information is only leaks, we are confirmed over one thing, that being the rework of a famous map to the game, one that had remained the same for over 5 years, that being House. The rework for house seems to expand the rooms and try to fix the issue that the defense team had more lines of sight to the outside where they can easily kill the attackers as the come in. Now.. sadly it seems like the map won’t join into the ranked maps, but it is nice to see them try to balance the maps that were notoriously bad for most players.

All rights to Ubisoft and the original video provider

Now we move to the characters:

>Odin (A Norwegian 2-armor/2-speed Attack Operator that’s coming in the next season. Now.. I must say, reading his ability I was.. astonished to say the least. He comes with a drone that can attack to the wall and ceiling, somewhat like Echo I presume, and, get this, creates a healing AoE effect for any allies. Aside from this, he comes with recycled weapons, possibly the best Attack weapons in Jackal’s C7 AR and the famous AK-12 from Fuze. In terms of secondary weapons he comes with the 9mm and the PMM. No secondary gadgets have been revealed, although.. if I may predict, possibly he’ll have stun grenades and smoke grenade, like Dokkaebi’s load out at the moment.)

>Philisiwe (A South-African 3-armor/1-speed Defense Operator with an interesting gimmick that I must say.. Her main ability comes with a “Smart” Razor Wire that she can place on the ground, causing any gadgets such as drones to be pinged, along with causing damage to any attack coming through it; oh and you can’t brake it with melee like other razor wires used in the game. Her weapons at the moment are Lesion’s SMG with the access to an ACOG scope and Mira’s/Jackal’s primary shotgun, along with the RG15 as her only secondary option. Like Odin, her secondary gadgets have not been determined yet, but I can imagine she might come with Impact Grenades and maybe a Bulletproof camera.)

Again, all rights to Ubisoft and the video producer

Other additions:

-A new ping system was added where you’re able to ping down enemy gadgets with drones and character ping, which is nice for games where voice communication isn’t an option.
-Many changes to operators that we know of such as Doc becoming a 2 speed, losing his ACOG but acquiring Impact Grenades in return, for more information over these changes can be seen in the next video.

All rights to Ubisoft and the video provider

Alright! That’s all we know at the moment due to the season coming later down in Summer, so I do hope more information can be given while we wait for this season. I must say, these new operators seem like a lot of fun and I hope they fit well with the game, especially Odin, I’m very excited to get my hands on him. Have a good day!