Technology is a very general term, which means that it does not have an exact “birth” date. It may be that you are wondering, What is technology? What is modern technology? What are applications? What applications help us access this modern technology? I will be answering these questions through this blog.

What is technology? When people talk about technology, the first thing that pops into their head is computers, robots, headphones, etc. Actually, that is known as modern technology, which I’ll be talking about later. As I mentioned earlier, technology is a topic with various branches. In general terms, it’s the knowledge acquired from techniques to achieve a goal.

In this next image, we can see how technology has evolved when it comes to communication between people.

Image posted by Martyna Dela Cruz in

What is Modern Technology? As we know, the word modern is known as what we experience in the present. Technology are developed techniques, in short words. With these brief definitions, Modern Technology is the kind of technology that we use in the present.

What are applications? These are programs designed for the user to solve specific problems.

Here in the Caribbean are experts that I personally know and others are known around the area by professionals, like:

  1. Carlos Berrios, Protection Services Program Manager – Microsoft
  2. Ines Ibarra, Programmer II – MMM Holdings LLC
  3. Bezabeth Rosado, Senior Programmer – MMM
  4. Lorraine Figueroa, System Analyst – MMM
  5. Alfonso Berrios, IT Process Engineering Proyect Management Consultant

To finish off, we have a video from Crash Course that explains technology:


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Educational Technology: Crash Course Computer Science #39. (2017). Retrieved from

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2019, October 20). Technology. Retrieved April 12, 2020, from

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