Hi and welcome back to my blog. Today I’m going to be talking about a beneficial app that can help in your browsing and have all your favorite websites in one place. This app is known as Feedly. For those that don’t know what Feedly is an application for various web browsers and mobile devices. This app can be downloaded on iOS and Androids, is also available as a website. For those of you interested, click on the link: https://feedly.com/i/welcome

Feedly has helped find a variety of counts that have helped me keep me updated on different things. The profiles I focus on the most are on technology, art, music, movies and gastronomy. The technology feed focuses on news, reviews, hacks and information on gadgets and other aspects. My art, cinema and more feed focuses on keeping me updated with the latest news involving this subjects. Other then that it keeps me updated on recipes, movie critics opinions, new music, interviews and more.

Below is the list of the profiles I follow on the Feedly app: