I am a huge consumer of the internet. It’s been exposed to me ever since I was a kid. I had my first desktop at 8 years old where I could play different video games and watch videos for entertainment and educational purpose. Thanks to the internet I’ve been able to meet people and get to know different cultures. By the time I was 11 I was obsessed with this new platform called youtube and all i did that summer vacation of 2012 was watch youtube videos. I loved using twitters instagram and facebook and it all has taken part of my daily routine in life wether it’s because I feel the need to share something or because it’s entertaining. The internet does have a lot of ups and downs and while I have been scared of my information being forever out there and never having real control over it. I’ve figure that weather I did have all this social media’s or not everyone already is out there in the internet and if I restrict my self I will miss out in so many opportunities and on what’s happening in the world. The internet has let me be part of different communities of people from all around the world. And also people like me get to have a voice over things even before I was 18. Greatest example of this is when Puerto Rico protested against Ricky Rosello and the protest was completely planed via social media. There where no propagandas in the radio only social media. Everyone talked about it and celebrities joined in a created and entire movement in which everyone from every age could participate and you wouldn’t feel left out cause this is everyone’s future. The web and I have a strong relationship because it had become part of my entire life and will be in it forever. My career will revolve around it as well as I am studying public relations and it is extremely important for me o get along with the web and internet in general. I don’t think that at this point I could live my life with an internet access at all because if I do that I will be behind all the time and not be successful in my career as I would like to. This form of communication allows me to always be in touch with loved ones who are far away, work with others in projects while not in the same place and also constantly keep learning and getting entertained. I don’t think a word with out the internet is ideal anymore because we would go back to the old days where there was way too much miss information and you could only learn what was given to you not what you search for. Now that we can learn by our own and get educated with out cost doesn’t matter your social status you cans till have the same knowledge. I will forever be grateful of having such privilege f having the internet and he power to express and share commonest with people around the world.


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The Importance of a Website for Your Business Success

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