Image result for Social media
Some of the web’s most used sites.

The Web is and extraordinary tool. Can be used from around the world, to do some work or contact somebody. From Facebook to Youtube, too Snapchat to Twitter, so many different ways to do what you like in different platforms.

What I think of the internet? I think that if used correctly it can be a world of opportunities and of chances of meeting great people. It can be a window of gaining knowledge and skills and strengthening what you already know for your use. As good as the internet sounds it has a dark side and in there people can trick you in many ways, you should be with your eyes wide open and read before making a decision you may regret later. But going back to what I said before, the internet is a great place of use for anybody and a tool for everything . Below a video of what the world wide web is, check it out!

Video of what the World Wide Web is.

What i think of the internet.

Important facts from the video above.

-The World Wide Web is not the internet. It’s like a virtual city where people can communicate.

-The internet is the way computers connect to each other in order to share information.

-The web is a bunch of web servers where the information is. Is where the information is stored and shared.

-Web Hosts are the people that own one of the web servers and rent space in them. Anyone can set up a web server with the right equipment, knowledge and strategy.

-Website address lets you get where you want to go.

-Web languages is the information stored in the websites. When the website is found the web browser can take the codes in the site and turn it into words, graphics and videos.

-Hyperlinks show links related to the information your accessing, immediately expanding the information your gaining.

One thing I liked about the video is how the web works. And it goes like this, imagine a web, literally, where the main idea is in the middle or center and is interconnected by smaller ideas, opinions or subjects that some how and in some way connects with the main idea. Its very accurate and easy to understand how the video explains it. All that is thanks to Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, understood that we needed a way to organize, gain access and share information differently. And thanks to him we can connect with people from around the world, learn in a different way about history, be the first to know something new or just have fun with it.