James Charles and Nikita editing their photos

The internet is a source a lot of us use for various things. We have gotten used to it more than we imagine. We use it before we go to sleep, when we eat, in the bathroom, with our friends, and more ways. The internet is a big thing and we only use a small part of it. We spent so many hours on social media, watching other people’s lives and sometimes we don’t realize it. It can be a good thing and a bad thing. Is good for when you need information for a homework, when you need a food recipe or for communication. The bad part is that we spent so much time on it that we stop being productive. We are depending on it by using it whenever we are bored or feel uncomfortable, also by putting our personal information on it. There are a lot of hackers that could have that information easily and use it to their advantage. They can use it to blackmail you or simply to steal your money. Another dark part of the internet is that we can get influenced by the things we see. Now a days a lot of kids act the way they do because of what they see on the media. The majority of things that are in the media right now are people ho call themselves influencers and all they do is show off their money and make drama. The audience tries to imitate this people and often create a toxic environment.

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Tana and Emma

A lot of this content causes teenagers to feel insecure about how they look. They feel that if they want look pretty they should change everything about them, that being emotionally and physically. A lot of people think about having plastic surgery or saving money just to buy the car of the year. The only content that this influencers post out there, has to do with money or doing something crazy and stupid. Not all influencers are like that, some don’t even like to be called that way. There are some content creators that talk about social topics and raise awareness about serious and important things. Some topics that are considered controversial or taboo. In the internet there is a lot of hate. There’s going to be a lot of people that if they don’t agree with the content, they will write hate comments, not caring about hurting others. Now days people get offended easily, anything you put at the internet can be taken out of context.

Youtuber Anthony Padilla interview with autistic people

I think we all should take a break from the internet sometimes. It can affect us psychologically, it can make us feel stressed and unhappy sometimes. But it can also be used to express and share anything you want. You can share your art or other favorite hobbies and topics. We can learn from youtube videos about all kinds of things, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcD94e93cCk food recipes. You can also learn more about taboo subjects and learn from them, like in Anthony’s channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYFbdpqnno4. The internet isn’t all bad, we can all learn from them and it can help us get things done easily.