The Internet is such an important and fundamental piece of technology that allows us to create, share, communicate and learn about an infinite amount of subjects. The web is the most powerful tool we have and should take full advantage of it. I’m a freelancer who is dedicated to social media marketing, writing and graphic design, amongst other skills. With this in mind, it is essential for me to have an understanding of the Internet and the power within it.

As a social media marketer, that is part of digital marketing, it is essential for me to know in what direction the Internet is headed. Will the future lie on the web? Or somewhere else? I always like to watch videos such as the one listed below to keep me informed as to which trends will appear and which will sway away over time. It is important to be up-to-date with the innovations that may arise in your field as to not fall short with your competition. For these reasons, I often watch Eric Siu and heyDominik’s videos to keep myself updated with the latest trends.

I often watch videos such as this one by Eric Siu to be prepared for whatever the future holds for my field.

Aside from being a digital marketer, I’m also a writer. I’ve worked with several companies by creating articles for their webpages. I love creating written content for my clients since it is the base for everything else. The original and unique content a company or page produces is what will pave the way for its success or demise. From there, a company can market their content however they please, but the most important thing is to set it apart by producing fresh content that shows that you are an expert in a certain field. My field of expertise is fashion, and so I’ve written various articles for Retazo, a circular fashion platform, and Merodea, an online media company. Amongst these, my favorite articles that I have written are Nuevo año, nuevo clóset: tendencias a velar en el 2019, Kenia Barbosa: The fashion designer known for her “upcycling” techniques and Fair Trade in Puerto Rico.

These are some tips I like to keep in mind whenever I am creating an article.

Yet another skill I possess that is closely tied to the Internet is graphic design. I am a self-taught artist, but self-taught with help from Instagram and Youtube Videos, which is where the help of the web comes in. Artists such as Ariev Soeharto and Haze Long dedicate their social media platforms towards providing tutorials on how to use different Apps for Graphic Design. The Internet has allowed me to grow as an artist by allowing me to access art tutorials and important information that I would not have gotten anywhere else. It also exposed me to new artists that I had not seen before that have inspired my art in ways I never thought imaginable. Below is a picture from Kelly Dot’s page; one of my favorite artists that was introduced to me via Instagram. Since seeing her work, my style has been influenced by her.

The following artist, Kelly Dot, was introduced to me by Instagram’s Explore Page and has since influenced my art style,

To me, the Internet plays a key role not only in my everyday life, but also in my professional development. It is the platform where I have cultivated and grown my skills, and where I will continue to flourish. It also serves as a gateway to create and publish any type of content and find a community who supports it. To me, the web is the glue that sticks everyone together and the soil with seeds where, if treated correctly, flowers will bloom.