A warm hello there, whomever is reading this at this point in time. This little blog thing is just a project to keep track of some music whenever I get to listening at any time. Could be bad, could be good. But it will be a sure shot about reviewing several different types of music and randomizing several genres in order to expand horizons and possibly increase production time. Considering it’s not terrible to learn more about any given genre or type of music, this is a good opportunity to search up whatever the heck I get put in front of me.

In order for it to be fruitful, it’s necessary for it to be diverse so listening to bad albums and music I don’t like will be the most prominent thing here. So I hope it’ll be fun, despite however torturous it might be in the long run. Maybe I’ll find something I’ll enjoy in this endless sea of constant updates and constant music. Hurray to that, hopefully it’ll be fun.

Just so happen to be in the class inf103in Universidad Sagrado Corazon seccion81
