We’ve reached a point where I no longer have the pre-written stuff in spanish like I had for most of the other art works and posts, excluding “For the Quasi family” (that was all at the moment). What I mean is, to comply with the “one post a week for a semester” for my informatics class, the first few personal posts had descriptions I wrote the last semester for my art class and I’ve officially run out of it. SO. from here onwards i’ll mostly be writing in english except for those words I cant translate in my head at the moment. Enjoy X3

*P.S. Due to my no longer having a documented play by play of these last few art works, i’m not entirely sure about the order in which these were made.*

This one is an extreme close up of a still-life placed on a pedestal in the middle of the class room. It took roughly 2 to 3 days to complete, using a purple paper (of a specific material whose name i cant recall) and chalk. We worked on it with the purpose of developing eyes and hands capable of reading and manipulating colors to properly simulate light and shadows; their behavior on mirror like objects, along with proportion in relation to each other.

You could probably get something like this done in about half a day if you really dedicate time to it but me, being a novice and just someone who likes to get things as exact as possible, I took my sweet … time.

This one is probably one of my favorites. It just brings about in me a peace, maybe because every time I look at it, i think it’s something youd find hanging in a coffee shop, with a cup of coffee in your hand. Or something better than coffee, like a nice caramel frappuccino. Man, i’d love one right about now. It’s like 1:30 in the morning right about now and it feels like it’s 85* F. BUT getting back on track!

I like this one. By this point I’d learned to listen a bit more to my professor so i didnt mess much with the natural texture the chalk left on the paper unlike my other classmates, she has good instincts. This is why it kinda looks like it was drawn on a blackboard.

I’ll have a caramel frap, please, 2018

How about you guys have that coffee in my name, ok? I shouldn’t be having too much caffeine anyways, it aint good for you.

have a nice time at the little coffee shop,
