[image: toxic, by Feel Great Now]

I recently found myself looking at a video on youtube title “My Toxic Relationship with Theatre” by Katherine Steele. Its main viewpoint was that while theater is our passion (for us theater geeks), it can also turn out to be really toxic. Theater makes you feel special, it gives you a sense of belonging, and usually you want to be doing it a hundred percent of the time. But, before we know it, we load ourselves with too much responsibilities, and we don’t have time to do stuff outside of theater. This is when theater becomes too toxic. We spend our time either doing theater related stuff or complaining about how tired we are due to all our theater stuff. This is why we need to partake in other hobbies and take a breather once in a while.

[image: Why it’s cool to pursue a hobby, by YourDOST]

Some hobbies could be painting, doing a recreational sport, or even just watching Netflix. The idea is that you do not spend all of your time doing theater, it doesn’t matter how much you love it.