Feedly is just a simple web page that makes it easier to keep up with your favorite web sites. With this you can just follow to your favorite web page just like you would with any social media. Once you do that, you are greeted with a news feed that has all the content you subscribed to.

This is my list of web pages I followed on feedly:


  1. Contemporary Art Daily: This page showcases contemporary art exhibitions.
  2. Design Milk: This Place is filled with fun and colorful interior designs.
  3. EatSleepDraw: Showcases Illustrations from many artist.
  4. MOCO LOCO: This site shows a lot of futuristic and more modern design.
  5. Supersonic Art: Showcases colorful illustrations from various artist.
  6. Illustration Age: This site focuses more on comic-book design.
  7. Neil Patel: Gives you tutorials and advise on marketing.
  8. Noisey: This page talks in detail about specific music genre.
  9. SPIN: This site just informs you about famous bands and their live shows.
  10. Logo Design Love: It shows different logotypes, illustrations and even history of logo design.