In the computer class I’m taking, the professor made the students make a blog ( I explain that in the about ).  One of the assignments was to make a small presentation using Power Point, for an oral report we were going to present in class.

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Since lately I have been fascinated about the idea of photography, I chose to talk about the basics of it.  It is a short presentation that consists purely on images, images representing what they are ( then again, it was for an oral report so it does not have much information).

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There are 3 Items discussed in the presentation in a picture manner. Those items are: Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO, the combination of these 3 elements, makes an exposure. (You can go to “How I Became a Photography Enthusiast” and there are links for 2/3 items for a better understanding)

For those interested, here is the link to the post I I made in Slideshare : 





{featured image by: Dwayne Bent, CC License. }