Your pain is valid. I don’t care what they’ve told you it is. I fought for so much because i felt like i couldn’t say i was hurting, I couldn’t complain I had to be thankful because what i had wasn’t terminal. (Side note: I am sorry if anyone is offended about what I say keep in mind this is all my opinion and anyone who is suffering for a terminal disease I am so sorry and I will be praying for you. Keep fighting let your faith be stronger than your diagnose.) I was taught to don’t weep others have it worse, don’t say that your hurting when others are always in pain. Don’t speak about what you have, don’t make others worry, don’t receive attention from something that isn’t worth it. That what was going through my mind constantly and i’m here to tell you to stop. Because your pain is valid and sure others are suffering but so are you. No one can take that away because it’s “pointless others have it worse.” Screw that if it hurts it hurts. You are not others you are and you are valid. See the reason people don’t speak about illnesses like our’s is because even tho you can see it it’s not a big deal in their eyes because you can live with it you just have to manage. And yes it is true we are lucky we can live, it’ll change the way we live but still our pain is valid. So if it hurts say it if you feel like you’re losing yourself say it. Don’t let anyone take away your voice and the ability of you being valid. Please speak up someone will always listen about how you feel. You can contact me at anytime via email. I’ll listen I’ll understand and I’ll care. If not me then there’s one person who is always there for you and he is God.

(source: giphy )