September 19, hours before Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico the day was sunny. My friend and I were a little skeptical about the situation so we decided to have fun and enjoy the day. We went to the local skate park in Guayama and then went to the local skate park in Patillas. The day was too normal, it didn’t look like there was gonna be a hurricane so I proceeded to ignore the fact that A category 5 was gonna hit us.


We decided to go home and I noticed that the deadline is close and we don’t have much time. I went to sleep early through the night but a really loud noise woke me up. The sound of the wind going through the windows was too loud. You could hear a lot of noise outside like, trees cracking, zinc hitting the walls and cars. It was the scariest night of my life. The only thing we had to distract ourselves from all the ruckus was a small blue speaker to listen to music at least.