For the past few months I’ve been working on a calisthenics program, mainly cause I was bored of doing what I normally and it seemed like a good Idea to spice things up a bit in my routine.

I’ve been doing Crossfit since 2013 shortly after my father died, seeking a distraction I looked towards fitness, and since then I’ve been doing crossfit up until Hurricane Maria hit which threw me heavily off of my routine. Slowly I started getting back at it, but I started to lose interest in going to the gym, in lifting weights.

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I started to look more into bodyweight exercises since I could do them anywhere, with no need for a gym or any sort of equipment and that is where I started to do more Calisthenics based workouts cause they fit my  every day and needs. I already had built a Pull-up bar at my house. So I was golden.

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Started researching different types of workouts, and I found a “special” offer on a program called Beast On The Barzz by BarStarzz. Which, eh… wasn’t getting my hopes up but since I was looking for something new, what the fuck I decided to go for it. Sad to say I am almost done with the program, but I will repeat the last 2 or 3 months of it with a slight few differences to make it more challenging.

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[example of the workout program]


Over the next few weeks you’ll be reading about my experience and what I think about the program with a few examples here and there, including my yoga practice.