Hey guys!

Been a while since I’ve written anything in here (actually it’s been 3 years, damn). Mostly because I originally started this blog for a class back during my bachelors and was simply trying to meet a quota half the time. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed making reviews-ish, but after a while it sucked the fun out of watching the movies, know what I mean? Movies are basically a trip to enjoy yourself, be someone else, have adventures, learn things, not be constantly and meticulously analyzing and deconstructing them (at least not too much)

But I decided I should get back to doing it, I actually miss it (been going back and forth whether I should for while). However other than just making movie reviews I thought I could talk about other things to make things interesting, mainly everyday experiences and maybe some mental health topics. I want this to be a space where I can share things with others freely and just have fun with it see where it goes. Hope you enjoy all the future things to come! See ya soon.