computer sc

I found this class enlightening, it was interesting to find out new aspects of a technology that’s become part of our daily lives. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a long time and this class gave me the push to do it. I haven’t kept it as updated as I would’ve liked but I will certainly carry it on, especially with my summer abroad right around the corner.

Another aspect that greatly interested me was coding, I’ve been reading up on it for a while what with the different movements that have been started, especially Karli Kloss’ Kode with Klossy. It was good to dip my toes in a skill I’ve been wanting to acquire and will certainly pursue as it’s very valuable in this day an age professionally.


Assignment 1: The Web: My Perception

Assignment 2: About

Assignment 3: Virtual Travel Itinerary  

Assignment 4: Artificial Intelligence

Proyecto final: Inteligencia Artificial

Assignment 5: #doNotTrack

Assignment 6: Arte en Sagrado

Assignment 7: Reflexión final


There were a total of  8 entries on my blog including this one

& 57 views this semester