With such rush we get in the day to day bases we often get attached to the idea of fast information. It’s do so to this that we even get addicted and dependent on it. But many professionals have been doing some research about what consequences might this conducts have on daily users. Changes in behavior, intelligence and social conduct come into play when analyzing a vast group of people. Here are what some researches found about our interaction with the Internet.

Can the internet lead us to a real digital world and a fake reality? As a fast growing and changing society, we can actually pretty much predict what might come along in a couple of years. With basically living out of our smartphones and computers, it’s no wonder we can’t see ourselves living without them. They have become a basic necessity to us that it’s even crucial to have it accessible in our jobs and our daily life.

In no way I am saying it’s bad or hasn’t filled us as a species, because for starters I’m the first one to say that the internet has made mi life so much easier and has opened many doors as a student and blogger. But we are putting so much of ourselves out there that we become humans inside this invisible universe that lives in this machines that our real selves disconnected from the people that are around us, creating relations between people seems impossible and we tent to look back and wonder how people before us did it and made it seem so easy.

It really is beautiful what technology has done with our lives, sure it has eliminated some jobs but it has also evolved and created new ones. We cant blame it all on the machines we have created that have made of our lives much easier, we should rethink the decisions we make each day on trying to connect with others and think of a system where we can go back and have a balance between in and out of this virtual reality.


Edberg, M. (2014, October 29). How the Internet Has Changed the World. Retrieved May 04, 2017, from http://www.australianscience.com.au/technology/internet-changed-world/
Robert Kraut and Moira Burke. Internet use and psychological well-being: Effects of activity and audience: Discovery service para Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=6c7cb167-667a-4183-8a6f-aa9584e60c7f%40sessionmgr102&hid=127&bdata=Jmxhbmc9ZXMmc2l0ZT1lZHMtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=111185852&db=bth
Castells, M. (2015, September 15). The impact of the Internet on society: A global perspective. Retrieved from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/530566/the-impact-of-the-internet-on-society-a-global-perspective/