Hey guys!

I have some tips to show guys that I learned on my class this week. So I made a Power Point presentation about Salvador Dalí, that you should totally check it out; I found most of the pictures on Creative Commons and I used a very effective tool called Bitly. It is a webpage (tool) that shortened those long links and most importantly it let you customized and rename them. I’m gonna put both links of my presentation, the long and short one so you can see what I’m talking about.

Long Linkhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vRuVBQJv-GmPv1A4io5qVmc2-RSI-ZZNf4k1kifCSUI/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Short Linkhttp://bit.ly/salvador-dali2dA1GLp


Image result for salvador dali

* Photo: License: CC