
[Photo: Bookstore by  Michelle W. License CC.]

There are a lot of beautiful bookstores out there, that not many people know about. While there are numerous bookstores to visit, I’ve selected three that are breathtaking, and you may not have heard of yet. From Europe to Asia, and back again, I think these bookstores are worthy of being added to your bucket list!

  1. Mr. B’s Emporium of Reading Delights, Bath, United Kingdom

Images of the shop

[Photo by Early Bird Books]

This truly “delight”-ful bookstore located in Bath is full of charm and offers a very enticing Reading Spa package. The package includes a chat with Mr. B’s bibliotherapist (there is such a thing!) and tea and cake to enjoy while they prescribe you a new tower of books to read.

    2. Cow Books, Tokyo, Japan

[Photo by Early Bird Books]

The Japanese bookseller’s specialties include selling out-of-print books that focus on 1960s-70s social movements, progressive politics and more. The bookstore focuses on books surrounding “freedom”—including memoirs.

 3. Strand Bookstore, New York, New York


[Photo by Early Bird Books]

Strand Bookstore is one of New York City’s most popular booksellers and features “18 miles of books”. The bookstore features many events including trivia nights and poetry readings and is a staple in New York book culture.

“Perhaps that is the best way to say it: printed books are magical, and real bookshops keep that magic alive.”

                                                                             ? Jen Campbell, The Bookshop Book