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[Photo by Brooklyn Communication]

Whether you are an aspiring blogger or just looking for a little something to read, I’ve done the hard work for you. Here are some of the best blogs I’ve read this week. If by the end of this you are not following them, then at least you should add them to your radar.

  1. Capturarte by Jared R. Marrero Cabán

If there is something that this blog knows how to do, is capturing moments. When you look at the photographs you just know he’ll show you a moment caught and frozen in time . Beautiful, dreamy, I could browse this blog for hours…you should too.

   2. The Antonmattei Project by Alanis

If you are either a food enthusiast or a fashionista, this is the right blog for you. Beautiful photography and well thought out content that presents the underlying beauty of what Puerto Rico has to offer; this blog is certainly amazing. Go and check it out… NOW!

  3. Spot a Place by  Valeria

If you suffer from wanderlust, then Val’s blog is worth your time. She shares stunning destinations and insights into the best places to eat, drink, shop and everything in between. You should definitely check her blog out. Who knows … she might inspire your next dream vacation.

“Every time you post something online, you have a choice.
You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world—or you can make it something that takes away.”

-Zoe Sugg