
Basically, you “can” say that nowadays you need the internet to live. I don’t necessary think like that. People are way too addicted to cellphones and social media. Is not bad if you know how much time you can dedicate to it, but now it has everyone brainwashed. What I mean is that relationships don’t last because you can “cheat” easier. Every time I go out or just to eat dinner you see everyone on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, sending text messages and not really enjoying the moment. Sometimes people get upset because he/she can literally see how they get ignored by the other’s who are always at their phone.

This video show you what I actually mean:


I think that we ALL could have lived at the past without Internet or social media. If millions of people achieved it, would we have done the same? YES! Why not? The Internet it’s nothing but a indirect damage to people, and we don’t get that. Relatively I could turn to the past and live without it, I would spent my time meeting new people and doing more productive things.