So this past week I had a wake up call and started thinking a lot about myself.I started thinking about the usual college life, family and financially. The college life for me took  a bit of a turn. I’m currently so damn confused in what I want to do because I’m struggling in my concentration course and I’m trying so hard but hey, who said it was easy? Not only that class but two others due to the fact that they are online and I realized throughout this semester that I don’t mesh well with online courses, they’re actually harder for me. So because of that I’m going to set my schedule for the next years to something more comfortable since I’m taking Capoeira and “work”.

Why do I out work in quotation marks? Let me explain. My job includes lots of surveys and consists of me putting those surveys into the system. The problem here is that because there are a fair amount of people in the office so those surveys finish quickly and then there’s nothing else to put in the systems so that’s when the job is complete and until the boss and co-workers set up other types of surveys, they don’t call us in to work and it’s an issue because since the job is temporary, you never know when they’re going to call and could go a long time without working and because of that I’m struggling financially.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy that job and I’m still thankful but lately I don’t have money for college, to help out here in the house especially since my mom is going to New York soon to visit my sister for when she gives birth around April-May, not even money for me to deposit in my savings or to pay for my Capoeira classes and that is something I find really important because it’s an activity that makes me feel great and  want to stay committed to it.

That is why I’m going to take a day to go to the mall near my house and at a fair distance form my university to look for a steady job and also so I don’t have to worry about transportation. I’m going tomorrow with my best friend because we both have almost the same issues. We want to be able to help out our families, be involved in an activity in the university without it interfering with our classes, buy things for ourselves, and save up for a little place or to travel, etc. Let time flow and see what happens.
