Every once in a while, a video game… or in this case, a series of video games grabs me by the soul (right, ginger)… balls and won’t let go.

A couple of years ago, 2008,  Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots came out and my ‘nads were pretty much in a death grip. That game made me red(der) in the face. I must’ve finished that thing at least six or seven times.

Metal Gear Solid 4

[Photo: Akiraman]

We even had a week where we played through the first three games with friends, marathon style. I’m talking about playing games that take people weeks, months to finish… in a week. A ‘thon that spanned four games across three consoles. That’s commitment. 

I may have fallen short of the Big Boss Emblem; the hardest rank available in MGS4 (I tried, I swear I tried)… but as were discussing at work yesterday, it’s pretty damn impossible.

And that’s how my Metal Gear problem had ended. It was looking like the end of the series.

Then, this happened… 

Gosh-darnit Metal Gear… I don’t have the time for this. I mean, just when I’m out they drag me back in! It took me over a year to come around to playing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and I’m glad I just came around to it. While I understand the backlash for how short it was (I’m so sorry for you guys who played in when this came out), as a prequel/introduction, two days before Konami releases the Kraken.

Here, have a taste…

It may be Kojima’s (*bows*) last, which makes it that much more of a thing. I might (will) cry.

All I can say is goodbye social life. I mean. This might be it. T’was fun.

Also, in an extra bit of awesome you should totally go check out James Whitbrook’s post on io9 about how Metal Gear Solid Is One Of The Most Fascinating Science Fiction Stories in Any Medium. It’s a pretty fucking great read. So you know, I may write the smut, but at least I link to the substance.