Photo by:  Jason Howie                                                  Photo by: Kyall Glennie

Remember the times before social media existed? Remember how you used to go outside more, spend more time with your family, keeping your life private, having all the toys play with in real life, maybe having a diary to express all of your thoughts in?

Those things are slowly going extinct and we are becoming the world we saw in Wall-E. We depend so much on technology to live, sometimes we depend on it to feel important , to raise our self-esteem, to feel that we matter in this big world. What places do we base our self-worth at? There’s many places like : Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. Any place that has a system of likes is bound to affect your self-esteem. Why? Because we see someone with 5k likes we sometimes wish to do the same, but when we try to do it we only get maybe 25 likes on a picture and that’s it. We try so hard to take the best pictures of everything : food, family, parties, what we are doing just for people to see. So we end up feeling terrible because we feel not many people like us or that we just aren’t interesting enough for other people.

Well let me tell you something that might shock you: Likes aren’t worth anything and they’re not everything. It’s nice to see when people like things you do but don’t depend so much on them to feel like what you do matters. You do matter, the only opinion about yourself you should care about is your own. Only you can decided if you are great, only you can make yourself better not the Facebook or Instagram Likes. Also don’t waste your time caring so much about social media: comparing yourself to other’s success, feeling unwanted when you see your friends out on a party, comparing your body to someone else’s, none of that matters. What really matters is the person you are inside, what makes you one of a kind and that you live your life to the fullest potential. Just try to build a better you, be proud of yourself and to hell with everyone that doesn’t like it. I’m not encouraging you to be a serial killer or anything, I’m just saying to live your life in a positive way, turn off your electronic devices, go for a walk and just look at the world. Don’t take pictures. Don’t post a status. Nothing. Breathe the world.