For those students who are struggling with finals, I do have to say it’s okay! Us freshmen did it! We conquered freshman year in college and now we will continue to finish college without a problem. How? Since now we know what to expect throughout the years. It’s not like how we arrived to the university totally clueless and not knowing how to handle life as a university student. But now it’s much simpler and refreshing to know what is our ambiance of comfort, what our best study place and form is, how not to dress for college, how to balance your personal life and college life, etc.

I don’t know about you guys but I just feel relieved to be done with this semester. Yeah, I know this is just the beginning but this semester has been, excuse me for a second, HELL. People would ask me how college is going for me and I would say “great!”, but in reality, behind that “smile” I would cry internally and I’d be obviously lying. I mean, it’s not so bad like I’m putting it but it’s not easy. Somehow this semester, I see things more difficult than what they really are. Oh well, life is hard anyways. I just needed to vent so this isn’t me complaining about life. I’m actually handling life fair!

How I procrastinate sometimes in college.

How I procrastinate sometimes in college.