A terrific flashback from my own teenager era. Suddenly, when talking with friend John on old TV series (he noticed we’ve come back to TV series as in the 70’s), I googled “UFO series” because I suddenly remembered of a series I adored when I was a kid. It was a series on UFOs, so that’s what I searched for. And this is what I found, thanks to the open magik of the Web. Everything about the UFO series!!

Says Wikipedia:

[UFO (TV series) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

UFO is a 1970 British television science fiction series about an alien invasion of Earth, created by Gerry Anderson and Sylvia Anderson with Reg Hill, and produced by the Andersons and Lew Grade‘s Century 21 Productions for Grade’s ITC Entertainment company.

UFO first aired in the UK and Canada in 1970 and in US syndication over the next two years. In all, 26 episodes, including the pilot, were filmed over the course of more than a year, with a five-month production break caused by the closure of the MGM-British Studios in Borehamwood, where the show was initially made.

There is a site just for it: UFO Series Home Page : “UFO” TV series from 1970!!

There is also a wonderful series trailer on YouTube, which delighted me, after –what, 40 years??

Plus, all these images, which describe the series incredible, “groovy” costumes of the age!

Super Punch: Vintage TV: “UFO Series” had incredibly groovy costumes

Super Punch: Vintage TV: “UFO Series” had incredibly groovy costumes

Unbelievable locations and toy space stations…

Gerry Anderson RIP (1929 – 2012) – BuzzDixon.com

And purple-haired girls.

UFO TV Series | Alieneight

I also loved the main guy, and his yellow hair (the actor  Ed Bishop).

UFO (TV series) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I loved the unit for which they all worked:

a secret organisation called SHADO, the Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defence Organisation, is established. Operating under the cover (as well as under the premises) of the Harlington-Straker Studios movie studio in England, SHADO is headed by Commander Edward Straker (Ed Bishop), a former United States Air Force colonel and astronaut, who poses as the studio’s chief executive.

Last, I think YouTube has almost all the episodes. Enjoy, and thank the Open Web!