Hello everyone! Today I am very excited to write about another amazing novel. This author is mostly known for his success on “The fault is in our stars”. I bet it is obvious who I am talking about, the author John Green. This literary genius is classified in my mind like another Nicholas Sparks in a way that he always finds how to break my heart on his great works. Only in that way because we all know Nicholas Sparks is in a whole new literary level. For those of you that don’t know him, you provably have seen movies from his books. You should really read about him.

Back to point. Today’s post is about the first book I read by him back in 2011. Looking for Alaska was what I could say like my bible. I carried it everywhere.  When you read this book, there’s a countdown which is nerve wracking.


Picture by:Danielle Bos

You believe that the countdown is until the end of the book but it isn’t. What happens it’s completely unexpected. This twist is just heartbreaking. Just like in our daily lives, we live without knowing, we live without expecting. Until our world crumbles down from one day to another and after that nothing is ever the same. Once you reach that darkness in life, you change, like it or not. Here John Green catches this so beautifully and specifically that you hurt because of how related you feel to what happens.

looking for alaska.

Picture by Lidyanne Aquino

This book was traduced into more than a dozen of languages. So you can only imagine the success. I rate this book a five of five stars, it’s a must read. You wont regret it.


Picture by electrictuesday

Enjoy your reading!