Let’s talk a little about the world of the magazines. But this time in a mayor of the internet and the magazine Newsweek that closed there issue in December 31 2012. Well that information about this magazine is more about that why this famous big magazine company closed? I will say I don’t have an answer for that but I have opinion fact about that sort off problem that the company had with there magazine. I mean it obviously that the magazine got closed because of the attack of the internet specially Twitter. Many magazine now days are moving to the internet communication cause theres more viewers and theres more media to intellect with. But there’s a curious thing, take a great look at the last magazine of Newsweek and you see theres a number mark when it says LASTPRINTISSUE? Oh well we know now days that that number sign mean does sort off  “internet” but basically we see that as a “HashTag” we see this in twitter.  Newsweek have a twitter right now and we can fin it by the following link NewsWeek and it’s still working in fact there getting more news to us more than ever before the magazine in the internet. I say they just moved on and got to the internet world and virtual magazine world. Newsweek is not  dead it just goes forward.