Lunes de Peliculas Antiguas
Hoy lunes de peliculas antiguas donde nuevamente te traemos una pelicula no muy reciente pero Buena que puedas disfrutar desde la comodidad de tu casa para quitarte el estress que trae el lunes.
Por eso te traemos la pelicula “Michael Jordan:An American Hero(1999)” del gran jugador de la NBA Michael Jordan y su trayectoria. Aunque no pude conseguir la sinopsis en español aqui les dejo el trailer y la descripcion en ingles.
“In the 1960′s when Michael Jordan was a young boy in the suburban middle classes throwing a basketball into a dustbin instead of a hoop and playing baseball, nobody would have suspected what he would become some thirty years later. An early experience of racism perhaps puts him off baseball but he takes up basketball with the same intensity that he approaches everything. High Schools seems him working hard to get into the main school team and from there he continues into North Carolina’s starting line up. It is here that he makes his name and when he is drafted by the Chicago Bulls it is only the worries of his doting parents that cause him pause.” -IMDB
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