The Radio
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The radio has been evolving with time, adapting and changing as new technology hits the market. However, a few elements keep intact from time to time, as well as others change with time. Here is a short investigation of how the radio has improved with the help of the computer science.
Radio History
The history of the radio started with the invention of James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of the electromagnetic campus. Later the physic, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, confirmed Maxwell’s theory where he discovered that radio waves can reach the same speed as light waves. In 1897 Guillermo Marconi opened the first radio station where he after two years researching found a telegraphic communication between Great Britain and France. As time passed more inventions were created that evolved the radio; one of these was Nikola Tesla who developed the radio communication and Julio Cervera Baviera that created the telegraph without wires. Finally, through all these contributions is that we have reached the radio that we have today where it has expanded and grown around the whole world.
Technology needed in the radio
The main equipments needed on a radio station are the following:
Be sure to check out the complete virtual tour of the equipment used for a radio station.
Now apart from these equipments there is a major technology needed in the radio and this is the Radio Broadcasters. Through the radio broadcasters, we find the equipment that any radio may need to deliver their program. Some of the things that they provide are transmitters, receivers to antennas, and studios capacitated to accomplish the duty of a radio station. However, with the new technology and the computer science knowledge that has been invading everybody, specially the way we do things, we have noticed how now days people have the opportunity of doing this broadcast digitally through the main two transmission out right now which are World DAB-Digital Audio Broadcast, and DRM-Digital Radio Mondiale. These two broadcaster’s main purpose is to provide a faster, clearer and precise way to transmit the radio programs without the immense cost of having to use a regular radio broadcaster.
Radio with Internet
The Internet has become an essential tool in all of our lives, making that, everything from social networks to the different types of media be incorporated into the Internet. Just like we can see television shows, and newspapers on the Internet we can also hear the radio through it.
The radio stream casting or streaming consists of the exhibition of audio content exactly the same as if you were to be listening from your car’s radio, which is what allows us to listen to it on the Internet. This connection or development of taking the radio on the go, allowing to have it on your mobile devices, tablets or computer has opened new doors for the radio to evolve and keep on expanding.
Web Resources for Radio
Following the line of broadcasting digitally and the incorporation of computer science into the radio there has been major websites, as well as applications that facilitate the transmission of the different radio stations making listening to the radio something portable and convenient for everybody on the go. Some of this applications and websites are:
- iTunes: through this application you can do an infinite of things but the one that we are focusing right now is radio.
- Pandora: is a website that apart from being for a computer it also has applications for all mobile devices that allows you to listen to the radio everywhere you go.
- TuneIn: is another website like Pandora that share the same idea of having an application as well as the website.
Now apart from these websites and applications there are many more that will allow you to hear the radio as well as to make your own radio show, but here I give you my top three in hearing the radio no matter where you are.