My view of NMC Horizon Retreat 2012
Share“NMC 10-year Horizon Report (@ Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa w/ 5 others)
Share“Malcom Brown: each solution changes understanding of problem / difficult to say when problem is solved
Share“Malcom Brown: wicked problems inspire design thinking / strategic, human, innovative, team based
Share“Malcom Brown: design thinking starts with the Horizon Report. See Harvard Business Review
ShareNMC Horizon Retreat
Share“Lev Gonick #NMChz Gbit connectivity will allow holographic/robotic medicine, personal clouds, personal data + analytics, microcredit/badges
Share“Lev Gonick #NMChz And I ask, thru Gbit will the idea of classroom change? Will univ’s lose monopoly of credentialing edu? I believe so.
ShareGig.U | The University Community Next Generation Innovation NetworkThe University Community Next Generation Innovation Project, or Gig.U, is a broad-based group of over 30 leading research universities fr…
Share“Lev Gonick’s Top 10 Trends for Higher Education and Information Technology in 2012
Share“just watched a great presentation by Lev Gonick on Community One gigabit access in Cleveland #NMChz
Share“Actually very surprised that so few people are into gamification #nmchz
Share“When people say “human” vs tech, they usually forget all kinds of human-created mediation, from tech onward. Exactly, @IshaiBarnoy
ShareHorizon Retreat 1
Share“My slides for “The Horizon Report: Tales of a Future Past” are now online:… #NMChz
Share“@skja76 and I have been blogging about the future and education here: Stories, trends, speculation, method. #NMChz
Share“I like the 6-minute talk format at #NMChz plus a 20-min group discussion.
Share“If anyone is interested, the facts I quoted on academic journal publishing mostly came from this article: #nmchz
Share“R. Puentedura #NMChz Tech evolution: 1 Social 200k yrs, 2 Mobility 70k yrs, 3 Visualization 40k yrs, 4 Storytelling 17k yrs, 5 Gaming 8k yrs
Kevin Kelly >>> Technology is what makes us human.
R. Puentedura >>> Social Technologies, 200,000 years ago. **Language** development motivated by need of **gossip**. Viva Twitter!!
Share“R. Puentedura #NMChz Visualization 40000 yrs ago, makes the abstract, concrete.
Share“R. Puentedura #NMChz Storytelling 17000 yrs threads concrete abstractions into stories // #sensemaking
Share“Globalization of tech: it’s a good time for me to remind #NMChz of @cfarivar’s _The Internet of Elsewhere_,
ShareThe Future of Education – Charting the Course of Teaching and Learning in a Networked WorldWelcome to the Future of Education interview series and discussion community. Thanks for being here! This interview series and the commun…
Share“Unbelievable chart from Marsha Semmel #NMChz showing lost opportunity in massive amount of time we could use for education!
Share“What is role of museums/library #NMChz asks Marsha Semmel. Opportunity for research into lifelong, life-wide, life-deep learning
Share“+1, ‘terror’ is the right word “@BryanAlexander: “Beware the terror of the subject matter experts” -Uli Rauch at #NMChz”
Share“I said at #NMChz We need to deconstruct our institutions and liberate from the admin mgmt constraints and the pretense of objective learning
Share“#NMChz @larry_pixel (Larry Johnson): Network changes us, helps us, *is* us. Network is everywhere, 7 billion cellphones. Net is invisible
Share“Our strategic thinking is based on a world that no longer exists –larry johnson #NMChz
Share“Larry Johnson: we need to be sure we’re not spending money on things that won’t work…keep the magic in education #nmchz #astd
Share“Lev Gonick at Horizon Retreat: It’s time to embrace libraries in the educational/museum discussions in the Horizon Report! #nmchz #astd
Share“Oystein Johannessen: How has the NMC Horizon Report translated into roadmap for practitioners? #NMChz
BBC Radio 4 (Suggested by Zoë @z_rose) and:
ShareBBC – Learning: online learning resourcesAlways wanted to learn a language? Help is at hand. Subscribe to our encouraging weekly email tips and complete our courses in 12 weeks i…
And Zoë built, a web-app for collaborative note-taking by students.
Anne Keehn is working on __de-credentialing__, or: What happens when Universities stop being the monopoly operator of Credentials and Diplomas. Anne is CEO of:
Share“Recap of day 2 of the #NMChz Retreat: Thanks for another amazing day, everyone!
Reflections from Susan Metros
What do you value?
What influences you?
3 books that influenced you.
Choose a metaphor for your life
Your Desire Path -
Share“What is the metaphor for your life? Susan Metros #nmchz
Share“Thanks to Larry and his crew, fellow provocateturs and all participants for an abs fab Horizon Anniversary retreat #NMChz
Share“This Horizon Report retreat has been so great–inspirational projects proliferating on the wall! Go team go! #NMChz
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