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Diem Brown

On November 14th, 2014 we lost another young, lovely woman Diem Brown battling colon cancer. She was a part of so many activities & a famous show MTV’s The Challenge.…
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Ferguson (Then, Now & Future)

Protesters took over the shopping centers late Thanksgiving, early Friday. It is said that those protesters, about 2 dozen of them, chanted: “no justice, no peace, no racist police” and “no…
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Ferguson (Then, Now & Future)

Protesters took over the shopping centers late Thanksgiving, early Friday. It is said that those protesters, about 2 dozen of them, chanted: “no justice, no peace, no racist police” and “no…
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Feliz día de acción de gracias

Hace poco hice una publicación sobre la importancia de ser agradecidos por lo que somos y tenemos, ya que no muchos tienen la dicha de tener las bendiciones que nuestro…
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Nail Art

Nail art is so much fun to do! Well, in my part, it’s fun to watch. I’ve seen so many tutorials of girls doing different types of nail art. Each…
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Coamo Culinary Fest

El último viernes de cada mes se celebra como pueblo el CULINARY FEST en Coamo… Ven a compartir con tu familia y amigos en un buen ambiente de buena música…
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Gran Consejo

Estén siempre contentos. Oren en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús. – 1 Tesalonicenses…
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