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The riddle 50% of Harvard students got wrong

Does it mean they are stupid? No, it actually means they are not pondering the question. Instead they get distracted by intuition and do not get to see there is…
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The Department of Oxymoronics and Hitler’s testicles

We were younger and very much under the spell-illusion that we were changing the world. I read Foucault’s Pendulum and I loved that book that mixed the Knights Templar and…
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Free Yourself

Oh hey! So of course life has its ups and downs but who says when things aren’t going as planned you have to give up and get stuck? Lately, instead…
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Crafting Audio Recordings!

Luego de realizar ciertas entrevistas sobre lo que piensa la gente sobre Wikipedia, nos enfocamos en añadirlas a todas en un solo formato y editando el mismo con el programa…
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¿Alguna vez imaginaste poder ver super mini clips de tus películas favoritas? Para mi los GIF son una buena manera de comunicar un sentimiento a través de un mensaje de…
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What’s in Conversation?

Reclaiming Conversation? Yes, this is a question, inspired as it is by Sherry Turkle’s new book (Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, Penguin Press 2015,) and…
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