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What’s the internet to me?

Right, so this may be a bit off topic for the actual purpose of the website, but it’s something I felt like talking about. What’s the internet to me? It’s…
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La importancia del internet

        ¿Qué es el internet?  Según el diccionario de la Real Academia Española, el internet es una "red informática mundial, descentralizada, formada por la conexión directa entre…
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The Importance of the internet

The internet is a phenomenon that has changed the world, A engine that u can market, communicate, and even look for information. With sites such as twitter, youtube, Facebook and…
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Porqué utilizar la Web

La web es uno de los recursos más importantes hoy día a nivel mundial. Nos permite obtener información y comunicarnos en tan solo segundos. No es necesario pero es buena…
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My thoughts on the internet. (Class Reflection)

The world of the internet is huge, very huge. It can be compared to the likes of the ocean, a place where we’ve only reached and touched the surface but…
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Experimentando los medios

Estamos en el curso inf103 en la universidad del Sagrado Corazón (Video por Antonio Vantaggiaton) Fuente:   #inf1033 #inf103 Nuff said. — •Ice Wolf• (@_WolfIce_) August 21, 2018    
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Check out some of my tracks

Hey guys! As you all know, this website is meant to promote my music and my soundcloud account. I would like to give you access to my songs, so i’m…
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