Self-investment is a popular choice for many, as searches for advice on stock trading have increased by 204% across the globe. If you’re looking to invest in your own company or just cut down on the annual fees for fund venue data site managers There are a variety of ways to do this, and one of the best ways to stay up with the latest news and information is to listen to podcasts.

It isn’t easy to figure out where to begin when you are overwhelmed by all the podcasts available on investing and money. Investing Simplified makes the perfect place to start. This podcast, hosted by Price Financial Group Wealth Management is a great resource for beginners who are looking to learn to invest money in a straightforward and objective manner.

In each episode, the hosts go over the basics of investing and discuss their own experiences and challenges. They also share advice and tricks with listeners to aid them in avoiding common investment mistakes. They are short and specific episodes, so you are able to easily fit them into your daily life.

The Motley Fool Money podcast is the ideal choice for beginner investors who want to keep abreast of all market-related news that matters. Chris Hill, the host of the show, hosts interviews with Motley Fool analysts on a range of topics that impact the market.

This podcast is designed for novices and takes a closer look at the fundamentals that are the basis of investing strategies like dividend growth and value. The show features world-class guests and gives listeners a wealth of valuable information which they can incorporate into their own portfolios.