During quarantine I’ve had a roller coaster of emotions. I’ve been sad, angry, frustrated, anxious, happy, positive, going with the flow, ups, downs, and a lot other emotions I did not even knew existed.

To clear my head and not have so much stress about homework and what’s going on in the world, I decided to occupy my head with home activities.

What has helped me to keep me sane is to run and jump rope in the morning, drink coffee at different times in a day, eat, watch Netflix, wash the dishes, cook, clean the pool, clean the house, drink lots of water with lemon and ice, enjoying the sun, talk with friends and family, and just trying to be as relaxed as posible.

I know that I am certainly not the only one going through quarantine madness, so here are the tips that have helped me that maybe can help you guys too.

Enjoy, be safe, wash your hands, drink your coffee, and BE HAPPY!!!!!