Hey there! While we are all aware of the major outbreak of a virus known as Covid-19, which has managed to spread out across the world during the month of March, causing many to have to stay in their homes in order to avoid being infected. As with many other parts of the world, Puerto Rico is found to be in a state of being quarantined in order to avoid the spread, as a few cases were found and have yet to be considered positive, although the country is taking a more “Better safe than sorry” approach, which I can commend. Due to this, many schools were also disbanded for the time being, having to continue classes through an online manner, which is what I’m going through with my college. A curfew was also instated in order to avoid people to simply just go out in the middle of the night and a halt was given to large events where many groups of people would be present in order for the spread to not continue.

While the sudden pandemic has caused many issues for people and me especially as I can’t use the campus in order to do certain works or even being able to just see people I’d like to chat with in person, it’s not exactly a bad experience to be quite honest. I’ve always enjoy time inside my home, along with being able to catch up with certain things that I wouldn’t be able to do in the apartment I stayed in San Juan, such as play on the Xbox a bit more regularly. The new experience with the online classes has also been quite something, with both the good parts (such as being able to watch back recordings, a lot more interactions between the student and the teacher and the work being relatively easier to accomplish) but also the bad things (the extension of classes to the last week of May, sometimes students forgetting that there’s a mute button and their background noises simply ruin the immersion of the class.)

All in all, it is a very odd experience to go through, especially after already living through other disasters such as the Hurricane Maria back in late 2017 to the Earthquakes that nearly cripple the south-west part of the island earlier this year, but it’s something that we gotta wait until it wares off, although I can only imagine the huge economical crisis that may come after the pandemic is over. Well anyways, thank you for watching! Truly glad you took the time to rude, I’m sorry for posting something that is not exactly happy in nature, but I wanted to share the experience that I have at the moment. Have a lovely day!