Oh hey! So of course life has its ups and downs but who says when things aren’t going as planned you have to give up and get stuck? Lately, instead of me doing exactly that, I turn to music, dancing, Capoeira, the gym and my closest friends. Those are the things that keep me alive when I’m not in the best state of mind. It’s a MUST to find your happy place when things aren’t great because when things like that happen, you automatically shut down. For most people their free place is music, but there’s plenty more. I dance and everything brushes off. I do Capoeira, ABADÁ to be exact, and I feel great and confident in myself because I’m pushing myself to do better each time and it gets my mind going. Also every time I go to my ABADÁ-Capoeira classes, I know it’s filled with good vibes with humble people and I live off that, good vibes. The gym is also a must once in a while because you can clear your mind and focus on yourself. At least when I work out, I look at myself in the mirror and see the changes in my body and confidence and that right there means a lot to me. I’m trying to cut down going out a lot but it feels good to step out of your house and feel a different ambiance and explore. The point here is to find your happy place and don’t let anything bring you down.


Família para sempre.
Without them I wouldn't be in Capoeira.
Gym with my bestie.