It seems like having computers thinking for us and voice command objects isn’t enough. UK robotics experts are developing the so called “Smart Trousers”. From what I read in The Guardian page the project is mainly for elderly and/or disabled people, something that I find nice, but is it really a good idea? Aren’t we doing exactly what we are criticizing? The technology is eating us and it’s replacing the common knowledge, we are daily more and more dependent of this inventions.

Human kind is slowly fusing into a robotic state, and this “Smart Trousers” are just the start of it. How can we be sure that only elderly and disabled people will have access to this? There’s no way of controlling it. Kids and young teens will use it to fool around, adults and grown teens will use it because they are too lazy to do it without it.

21. Mr. Wilson Fancypants

Picture by: Brian Sanders Licence CC

As obvious as it seems I am against building more technology that makes us more and more co-dependent to them. Who’s to say they won’t keep building things, like the Google Glass, this Trousers and other inventions? We will end up becoming a Cyborg  or some kind of replica of Iron Man, which it would be cool but also devastating. We would slowly lose everything that makes us human.

That’s why I don’t agree with this decision.

Click this link to read the article