
Hay jovenes que visten peor y nadie les dice nada. Las hijas de Obama se visten como jovencitas normales y de forma casual y las critican. De verdad que hay gente estupida y sin cerebro. Espero que sí, que la despidan, por meter la cuchara en asuntos que no son de su incumbencia.

Son adolescentes, son lindas y estan en los mejores años de su vida. Obviamente no se van a vestir como señoras…

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A US lawmaker’s communications director pointed out that during Barack Obama’s, former president, Thanksgiving turkey “pardon,” saving two birds from the dinner table speech, his daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama, tended to look bored. This news may not seem so important but oh, it is. Elizabeth Lauten, spokeswoman for Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, spoke her mind on social media about it (red alert). That, for her, was a big mistake. You must be asking: “Why? She has the right to speak her mind”. Well, you are correct but one thing is speaking your mind kindly, another is being hurtful and trying to offend people. She told the girls directly through Facebook to try showing more class, to respect the part they play. As if that wasn’t enough, she continued with:

“Then again, your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter. So I’m guessing you’re…

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