Due to the Corona Virus COVID-19 we will no longer have the privilege of seeing most of the sports that were programmed with seasons this month. Since the wild spread of this virus throughout the world many of the sports leagues have decided to suspend all games programmed for the next 30 days. And although most of us were pretty excited to watch them, it was necessary for everyone’s sake and health.

This events would’ve caused the virus to spread way more easily and would’ve made things worse.

In Puerto Rico both professional basketball league, Liga de Baloncesto (LBP) Puertorriquena and Baloncesto Superior Nacional (BSN) decided to suspend every game they had.

The BSN are working on a tentative date to come back between June and August while we still haven’t heard about LPB.

Meanwhile the Liga de Voleibol Superior Femenina (LVSF) has also taken action to protect their players. After dwelling if the league was gonna come back this year, they had to cancel all games due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For now, Wapa Deportes, part of the company (WAPA’S) TV sessions, will be passing on air old games from previous basketball seasons, like last years championship, old games that are categorized as “amazing games” and back to back games that were players throughout the leagues years.

For now we have to enjoy old games from most sports and for the basketball fans, we have to wait and enjoy the fact that Michael Jordan’s series, “The Last Dance” is airing earlier than excepted on April 19.

So all we have to do is wait! So be safe. wash your hands and DO NOT GO OUT! FOR YOUR OWN SAKE.