Here I am with my last assignment, where I’m supposed to tell my final thoughts and a brief summary of my works along the way.

My blogs: (15)

Number of visitors this semester: 63

See the source image
taken from

This course was a really helpful one in the technology area. I actually liked taking it and learned multiple things along the way. I got to understand how important it is to use social media and all technology correctly, and always be careful how I use them and what I put out there. I’ve always considered myself good at managing technology, and so this course was very useful to help me improve and always remember to give credits to others and keep my privacy in mind. What I liked most about this class was: being able to create and manage my own blog and post about interesting information, and the topics of privacy and rights were something that opened my eyes in some way.

Like I said before, the things I got to learn are: to always keep my privacy in mind, and give credits to others instead of stealing their work or information.

If I could change something about this course would be, maybe, to make more blog-related activities and assignments to post. I love writing and posting my thoughts out there, so this is something I would have liked to be more involved in.