By: Jada Solomon

This is going to be a 3 part blog post where I provide an in-depth analysis on the Gender Wage Gap

Is the Gender Wage Gap just a myth that has been passed on for generations? In a survey conducted by “Lean In and Survey Monkey”, 1 in 3 Americans don’t know that a gender wage gap exists. However, the wage gap has been an ongoing issue for decades and currently in the United States women on average make 80 cents to a man’s dollar. The gender wage gap is divided among many factors such as race,ethnicity,or,age. However,on average women with the same qualifications and experience somehow find themselves with a lower salary. This research will provide a thorough analysis on varied causes such as motherhood, occupations, sexism, and much more.Lastly, as a society we must stop this ongoing matter and determine how we are going to solve the issue.

    The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is one of the measures that was taken to guarantee gender equality. This was signed by President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963. This prohibited sex discrimination as a whole therefore, the gender wage is included. This established the well known phrase “equal pay for equal work”. However, on average men still make more money than women.

First, the wage gap among people of color is a massive difference. African Americans and Hispanic women make from 54-64 cents to a white man’s dollar.As well as, a lower salary than a White,or Asian woman. According to,(Institute for Women’s Policy Research 2017) these women would have to wait until 2124 to have equal pay. Most companies prioritize gender diversity than racial diversity. However, Hispanic and African face double discrimination. Some say their abilities are questioned from the minute they walk in just from their gender, ethnicity, and race. 

American Indian,and Alaska Native women also had lower median annual average compared with White/Asian men and women. In fact, they make 57 cents to white man’s dollar. As a result, they lose up to $24,007 each year. The alarming rates for these women are due to the additional setbacks that the majority of these women face. Isolated rural areas where unemployment is high and beliefs. Native women stay in reservations because of the lack of opportunity they’re offered. When these areas were colonized they affected them with patriarchy beliefs. Men hold most leadership positions as a result of this.

Infographic: Do Women in Asia and the Pacific Earn Less than Their Male Colleagues?
“Infographic: Do Women in Asia and the Pacific Earn Less than Their Male Colleagues?” by Asian Development Bank is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Stay tuned for the continuation of this analysis…