During the time of this class INF 103 sec 3 I have learned how to create a blog and run it. Ive also learned about some websites that can make life easier like lastpass, diggo and Feedly. Ive also learned to code using code.org and it was fun. I’ve found this semester to be quite entertaining as well as educational for my future. An important thing that I learned was also how to properly give credit to others to avoid plagiarism.

My posts:

Welcome To my blog: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/08/27/welcome-to-my-blog-2/

Class 3: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/09/03/class-3/

My web experience: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/09/05/my-web-experience/

Web privacy: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/10/08/web-privacy/

My favorite movie: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/10/23/my-favorite-movie/

My life: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/10/24/my-life/

3D Printing: https://bloggytime.home.blog/2019/11/05/3d-printing/