Alexandra es estudiante de periodismo y teatro motivada por la literatura puertorriqueña que aspira a realizar un cambio significativo en el sistema educativo de Puerto Rico. Los Hijos de Hostos es un medio para transformar, educar y fiscalizar.

Este blog es un trabajo para (inf103) de (la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón):

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History is being made this week in Puerto Rico as tens of thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to demand governor Ricardo Roselló step down after images from a private chat group with other government officials were leaked containing hundreds of misogynistic, homophobic, hateful, bullying, manipulative and conspiring messages against the people of Puerto Rico. Some messages went as far as minimizing and making fun of the people we lost in the hurricane. Absolutely disgusting and despicable. In spite of four days of protests, the governor refuses to step down and plans to carry on with “business as usual.” Because of this, for the first time ever, we are witnessing people from all walks of life, sectors, beliefs and religions coming together for a historic protest in the streets of old San Juan with one common goal – to let our voices and outrage be felt and to let all future politicians in power know that WE ARE NO LONGER AFRAID. THAT WE THE PEOPLE HOLD THE POWER AND THAT WE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE THEIR CORRUPTION AND ABUSE. First one to go up in flames will be Ricky and all his corrupt pals and afterwards we’re bringing this whole god forsaken corrupt colonial structure down! Keep up with what’s going on these days in the hashtag #RickyRenuncia. . ¡Se te acabó el guiso, Ricky! El día llegó de nuestra gente darse a respetar. ¡Estamos haciendo historia mi gente! ¡Nunca he estado tan orgulloso de ser boricua! Photo by @valeriamartiro Art by @melmichellerr Model @anmrpg

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