Earlier this week I went to an Art Exhibit in Barat Sur of Sagrado Corazon.The Exhibit was titled “Mira, Mira! Look Up” by Mariestella Colon Astacio. I was accompanied by a friend of mine and at first when I saw the pictures I was curious as to what the theme of the exhibit wasImageImage


To be completely honest I felt like there wasnt a theme to be present here. The artist seems to be demonstrating a more abstract feeling in her artwork instead of trying to pick a theme. Though if I had to make an assumption I would say the theme she is going for is ascension. I say asciension because when I look at her painting more often than not I feel as is there is something going higher. The ripples can represent various objects like clouds or waves.ImageImage

I must say that though I find the art to be more abstract than anything else its still beautiful to look at. The colors mix and contract evenly with one another and its fun to admire Mariestellas work for what it is. The exhibit is still open for a few more days I believe so go check it out when you can :) Image